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Latest oscam all images 11764 (update) 12-04-2024

Op 30/04/2024  was er een fatale server storing
Hierdoor zullen een aantal postings en bestanden ontbreken of niet correct zijn weergegeven.
De komende dagen zal alles hersteld worden wat bestanden betreft ,gewone postings kunnen niet hersteld worden
Meld even wat je mist –Sorry and Thanks

On 30/04/2024 there was a fatal server failure
As a result, some postings and files will be missing or not displayed correctly.
Over the next few days everything will be restored as far as files are concerned, normal postings cannot be restored
Please report what you are missing -Sorry and Thanks

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72202 Posts in 11153 Topics by 6356 Members - Latest Member: nights April 30, 2024, 07:46:12 PM
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  • Features - Here is a list of the most popular features in SMF.

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