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Skins XDREAMY 4.6.0 - 13-12-2024
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OSCAM 11859 (Ipk & Deb)- 10-12-2024
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XDREAMY v 4.6.0

What's New:

•   We have new Recoding for all renderers for better performance, accurate results, and fast response. Now, Ratings, Stars, and Posters are       downloading much better—special thanks to Lululla for his efforts.
•   Tweaking and optimizing skin files (now better performance and faster response).
•   Handel a lot of users' requests
•   Virtual Keyboard (working on some images, not finished yet).

Telnet Code
Code: [Select]
wget -q "--no-check-certificate" -O - | /bin/sh

•   Dedicated plugin for skin customization.
•   Over 10 built-in Bootlogos.
•   Over 5 additional skin styles can be applied to change your skin layout.
•   Over 15 different color styles can be applied to change your skin GUI
•   Over 15 different font styles can be applied to change your skin font style
•   Over 6 different Keys styles can be applied to change your skin font style
•   Over 11 Channels list screens with and without posters.
•   Direct Weather Plugin Install and set locations.
•   Direct API set for TMDB & OMDB websites.
•   Many InfoBar and Second InfoBar with and without posters
•   Many Event View screen styles with and without posters
•   Powerful and reliable PosterX renderer (Recoded by Mr.Lululla)

Download in top posting
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Oscam/Oscam-emu bins / Re: Latest oscam all images _11859-emu-r802_all.ipk
« Last post by LuxSat on December 10, 2024, 10:12:52 AM »


New Update:10.12.2024
Changeset 11859

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Download in Top Posting
Oscam/Oscam-emu bins / Re: Latest oscam all images_11859--emu-r802_all_deb
« Last post by LuxSat on December 10, 2024, 10:11:33 AM »


New Update:10.12.2024
Changeset 11859

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Download in Top Posting
Tools / Plugins / CCcam / OsCam Emu Pack / Bootlogo's / Skins / Re: SKIN XDREAMY
« Last post by LuxSat on December 06, 2024, 05:41:15 PM »

XDREAMY v 4.5.0

What's New:

    Option to change the Menu Font Color
    Option to change the channels Name Color
    Replace some renderers with older ones for better performance
    Tweaking and optimizing skin files (now better performance and faster response).
    Handel a lot of users' requests
    Virtual Keyboard (working on some images, not finished yet).

Code: [Select] -O - | /bin/sh

    Dedicated plugin for skin customization.
    Over 10 built-in Bootlogos.
    Over 5 additional skin styles can be applied to change your skin layout.
    Over 15 different color styles can be applied to change your skin GUI
    Over 15 different font styles can be applied to change your skin font style
    Over 6 different Keys styles can be applied to change your skin font style
    Over 11 Channels list screens with and without posters.
    Direct Weather Plugin Install and set locations.
    Direct API set for TMDB & OMDB websites.
    Many InfoBar and Second InfoBar with and without posters
    Many Event View screen styles with and without posters
    Powerful and reliable PosterX renderer (Recoded by Mr.Lululla)

Special Thanks:
Lululla, for his close skin revision, debugging, and code tracking, as well as fixing, updating, and improving.
giopet for his testing efforts and issues reporting.
oktus for sharing new design ideas.

Download in top posting
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Tools / Plugins / CCcam / OsCam Emu Pack / Bootlogo's / Skins / Re: SKIN XDREAMY
« Last post by LuxSat on December 03, 2024, 10:27:28 AM »

XDREAMY v 4.4.0

What's New:​
•   Add support for the Satlodge image (New).
•   Add an option to change the converter used to pickup cam name (5 options)
•   Add an option to activate or disable parental rating and IMDB stars (for slow devices)
•   Add an option to enable/disable the digital subtitles clock and change its position.
•   Update XDREAMY plugin by Lululla and improve the image/poster handle.
•   Tweaking and optimizing skin files (now better performance and faster response).
•   Handel a lot of users' requests
•   Virtual Keyboard (working on some images, not finished yet).

Download in top posting
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Tools / Plugins / CCcam / OsCam Emu Pack / Bootlogo's / Skins / SKIN XDREAMY
« Last post by LuxSat on November 27, 2024, 03:10:49 PM »

XDREAMY SKIN (Egami, OpenATV, Pure2, OpenSPA, OpenDroid, OBH, OE images, OpenViX, OpenPLi, OpenHDF)
XDREAMY v 4.6.0
"Experience Enigma2 skin like never before with XDREAMY"
"XDREAMY skin is a new vision, created by Inspiron. Users can fully customize their interface, and change layout, colors, fonts, and screens to suit their preferences. Drawing inspiration from Dreamy and oDreamy skins, XDREAMY incorporates cutting-edge rendering technology, including the efficient PosterX component recoded by Lululla."

Supported Images
Alliance Based Images: (Egami 10.x, OpenATV 6.x, OpenATV 7.x,
OpenSpa 8.x, PurE2 6.x, PurE2 7.x, OpenDroid and OpenBH)

PLi Based Images: (OpenPLi, OpenVIX, OpenHDF and NSS )

Please note:
1.   I am not a professional skinner or developer, or anything related to sat, enigma...etc., but I like to make some customization to my box skin so that you can enjoy it on your responsibility.
2.   Preview images in the xDreamy plugin are not finished yet.
3.   Some skin features are not properly displayed with the OpenPLi image (due to the old Python version). Moreover, there is no box image available in the OpenPLI image, so if you want to display your box image on the skin, you have to manually copy your box image from the path (usr/share/enigma2) to the skin folder and rename it (boximage.png).

 Please report broken links on the forum.
Download Here
Oscam/Oscam-emu bins / Re: Latest oscam images _11847-r802-For Dreambox One/Two UltraHD
« Last post by LuxSat on November 17, 2024, 02:52:31 PM »

OScam/EMU aarch64 DM_One/Two UltraHD

OSCAM 11854
One/Two UltraHD

Please report broken links on the forum.
Download Here
Oscam/Oscam-emu bins / Re: Latest oscam images _11847-r802-For Dreambox One/Two UltraHD
« Last post by LuxSat on November 03, 2024, 02:40:21 PM »

OScam/EMU aarch64 DM_One/Two UltraHD


OSCAM 11847
One/Two UltraHD

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Settings / Re: Morpheus883 Setting E2
« Last post by LuxSat on October 11, 2024, 09:03:00 AM »

Morpheus883 Setting E2


Morpheus883  Setting E2 from 10-10-2024

Enigma2 Settings 9th October 2024, © by Morpheus883

Settings for Images based on Enigma 2.4:

# Satellites: 88 (Ku Band)
# Ordered Provider Lists: 70+
# Services: 16.590 (TV-Radio-Data)
# Packages: 23 (TV-Radio-Data):

MONOFeed (13°E)
DUALFeed (13°E + 19.2°E)
HISPASAT 30W DUALFeed (30°W + 13°E)
HISPASAT 30W TRIALFeed (30°W + 13°E + 19.2°E)
THOR 5/6/7 DUALFeed (0.8°W + 13°E)
THOR 5/6/7 TRIALFeed (0.8°W + 13°E + 19.2°E)
ASTRA 4 DUALFeed (4.8°E + 13°E)
ASTRA 4 TRIALFeed (4.8°E + 13°E + 19.2°E)
EUTELSAT 9 DUALFeed (9°E + 13°E)
EUTELSAT 9 TRIALFeed (9°E + 13°E + 19.2°E)
EUTELSAT 16 DUALFeed (13°E + 16°E)
EUTELSAT 16 TRIALFeed (13°E + 16°E + 19.2°E)
ASTRA 3B DUALFeed (13°E + 23.5°E)
ASTRA 3B TRIALFeed (13°E + 19.2°E + 23.5°E)
ASTRA 2E/2F/2G DUALFeed (13°E + 28.2°E)
ASTRA 2E/2F/2G TRIALFeed (13°E + 19.2°E + 28.2°E)
TURKSAT 3A/4A/5B DUALFeed (13°E + 42°E)
TURKSAT 3A/4A/5B TRIALFeed (13°E + 19.2°E + 42°E)
THOR 5/6/7 ASTRA 4 TRIALFeed (0.8°W + 4.8°E + 13°E) Special Edition
THOR 5/6/7 ASTRA 2E/2F/2G QUADFeed (0.8°W + 13°E + 19.2°E + 28.2°E) Special Edition
EUTELSAT 16 ASTRA 3B QUADFeed (13°E + 16°E + 19.2°E + 23.5°E) Special Edition
ASTRA 3B/2E/2F/2G QUADFeed (13°E + 19.2°E + 23.5°E + 28.2°E) Special Edition
Motor - FULLFeed (45.0°W - 76.5°E)
[47.5 W] ===== SES 14 =====
[45.0 W] ===== INTELSAT 14 =====
[37.5 W] ===== NSS 10 TELSTAR 11N =====
[34.5 W] ===== INTELSAT 35e =====
[31.5 W] ===== INTELSAT 25 =====
[30.0 W] ===== HISPASAT 30W ===M=
[30.0 W] Meo
[30.0 W] Nos
[24.5 W]  =====  INTELSAT 905 ALCOMSAT 1  =====
[22.0 W] ===== SES 4 =====
[20.0 W] ===== NSS 7 =====
[18.0 W] ===== INTELSAT 37e =====
[15.0 W] ===== TELSTAR 12 =====
[14.0 W] =====  EXPRESS AM8  =====
[11.0 W] ===== EXPRESS AM44 =====
[8.0 W] ===== EUTELSAT 8 WEST B =====
[7.0 W] ===== EUTELSAT 7 WEST A =====
[7.0 W] Add
[7.0 W] Nilesat
[7.0 W] Noorsat
[7.0 W] Orbit Showtime Network
[5.0 W] ===== EUTELSAT 5 WEST B =====
[5.0 W] Bis / Orange / Fransat
[4.0 W] ===== AMOS 3/7 =====
[4.0 W] Magio TV
[3.0 W] ===== ABS-3A =====
[0.8 W] ===== INTELSAT 10-02 THOR 5/6/7 ===M=
[0.8 W] Canal Digital Nordic
[0.8 W] Focus Sat
[0.8 W] RCS DigiTV
[0.8 W] Slovak Telekom
[0.8 W] UPC Direct
[1.9 E] ===== BULGARIASAT-1 =====
[3.0 E] ===== EUTELSAT 3B RASCOM QAF1R =====
[4.8 E] ===== ASTRA 4A SES 5 ===M=
[4.8 E] Viasat
[4.8 E] VisionTV
[7.0 E] ===== EUTELSAT 7B/7C =====
[7.0 E] Digitürk
[9.0 E] ===== EUTELSAT 9B ===M=
[9.0 E] Kabelkiosk
[9.0 E] OTE
[10.0 E] ===== EUTELSAT 10B =====
[13.0 E] ===== HOT BIRD 13B/E/F/G ===M=
[13.0 E] BIS/Orange FR
[13.0 E] Cyfrowy Polsat
[13.0 E] NC+/Orange PL
[13.0 E] Nova
[13.0 E] RAI/Mediaset/TivùSat
[13.0 E] Sky Italia
[13.0 E] Vivacom
[16.0 E] ===== EUTELSAT 16A ===M=
[16.0 E] A1 Hrvatska
[16.0 E] Antik Sat
[16.0 E] Digit Alb
[16.0 E] Max TV
[16.0 E] Orange SK
[16.0 E] Pink
[16.0 E] Total TV
[19.2 E] ===== ASTRA 1KR/L/M/N ===M=
[19.2 E] CanalSat
[19.2 E] Orange FR
[19.2 E] Movistar+
[19.2 E] HD +/Sky D/ARD
[19.2 E] Canal Digitaal/TV Vlaanderen
[21.6 E] ===== EUTELSAT 21B =====
[23.5 E] ===== ASTRA 3B ===M=
[23.5 E] Canal Digitaal/TV Vlaanderen
[23.5 E] CS Link/SkyLink
[23.5 E] Telekom Srbija
[25.5 E] ===== ES'HAIL 1 ===N=
[26.0 E] ===== BADR 4/5/6/7 =====
[26.0 E] Al Jazeera
[26.0 E] Arabsat
[26.0 E] JMC - Jordan Media City
[26.0 E] MBC - Middle East Broadcasting Center
[28.2 E] ===== ASTRA 2E/F/G ===M=
[28.2 E] BBC
[28.2 E] Freesat
[28.2 E] Sky Digital
[30.5 E] ===== ARABSAT 5A/6A =====
[33.0 E] ===== EUTELSAT 33E - INTELSAT 28 =====
[36.0 E] ===== EUTELSAT 36B/AMU1 =====
[36.0 E] DStv Multichoice Africa
[39.0 E] ===== HELLAS SAT 3/4 =====
[39.0 E] A1 Bulgaria
[39.0 E] Bulsatcom
[39.0 E] Dolce TV
[39.0 E] Tring TV
[42.0 E] ===== TURKSAT 3A/4A/5B ===M=
[42.0 E] D-Smart
[42.0 E] Digitürk
[42.0 E] Filbox
[42.0 E] Tivibu (East Beam)
[42.0 E] Türksat
[45.0 E]  =====  AZERSPACE 2/INTELSAT 38  =====
[45.0 E] Vivacom/NURTS
[46.0 E]  =====  AZERSPACE 1  =====
[50.0 E] ===== TURKSAT 4B =====
[51.5 E] ===== BELINTERSAT 1 =====
[52.0 E] =====  TURKMENÄLEM/MONACOSAT  =====
[52.5 E] ===== AL YAH 1 =====
[53.0 E] ===== EXPRESS AM6 =====
[55.0 E] ===== YAMAL 402 =====
[57.0 E] ===== NSS 12 =====
[60.0 E] ===== INTELSAT 33e =====
[62.0 E] ===== INTELSAT 39 =====
[66.0 E] ===== INTELSAT 17 =====
[68.5 E] ===== INTELSAT 20/36 =====
[70.5 E] ===== EUTELSAT 70B =====
[75.0 E] ===== ABS-2 ===N=
[76.5 E] ===== APSTAR 7 =====

=== Compiled with Morpheus883's scripts ===
======= © by Morpheus883, 2024 =======

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Afwijkende Onderwerpen / Re: groeten
« Last post by LuxSat on October 05, 2024, 08:45:36 AM »
Dat is lang geleden , goed je nog eens te horen mistico  :cool:
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