New Update:
Changeset 11865
streamrelay: Improve module integration
* functional changes
* start streamrelay server as module
* display each connected streamrelay client on status page
* auto discover source stream address with fallback (dvbapi + radegast support)
* some rework on log output for better traceability in case of errors
* config options
* option 'Use stream client as Source Stream Host' has been renamed to 'Automatic host discovery' (new default=1)
* new option 'Relay User' (default=empty) which is used to authenticate the streamrelay clients on status page
* new option 'Relay Client Display Option' to toggle client/source stream information displayed on status page
* new option 'Reuse existing client' (default=0) to combine multiple connected streamrelay clients into single one displayed on status page
* new option 'Hide in WebIf' (default=0) to hide streamrelay clients on status page
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